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Social Media Advertising

Define Your Business;
The Way You Want!

Enhance and Grow your Brand by focusing on your target market!

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Social Media Advertising Services

Do you have the trust and confidence that it requires from social media sites? Increase brand recognition on the web and make strong connections with your customers via Social Media Advertising.

Digital Vasai Marketing Agency provides social media marketing services for small-scale businesses, large enterprises, and multi-location companies. If you’re an entrepreneur-type business or a Fortune 500+ company, our social media marketing experts can help you plan your marketing campaign. Get in touch with us to help your social media marketing company improve your brand’s credibility and visibility!

Social Media Advertising

Better Online Exposure

Marketing on social media is constantly growing and evolving and is becoming a valuable online marketing source for brands and companies. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram can dynamically increase visibility and draw attention to your company. Through a well-planned strategy for content marketing on social networks, you will get more engagements and social signaling, including shares and likes that let you interact with the larger online community.








High Search Rankings

Search engines such as Google and Bing have now integrated updates, tweets, comments, and profiles into their results pages to recognize how critical social media interaction is. The more people share your content through social media platforms, The more traffic they bring to your site, and, consequently, the better your rankings in search results.

Search Result​




Page Recognization​

Brand Building​

Social Media Advertising
Audience Advertising Social Media Advertising Social Media Advertising

Specific Audience Targeting

However helpful and engaging your content will not generate conversions if it does not reach the right people. Social media marketing allows you to define your ideal customers according to age, location, and internet-related activities, in addition to other factors. Experts in social media marketing define the market you are targeting and analyze it to determine your consumers’ online habits and create relevant ads and content which meet their needs.

Clients insights​

Analyse results​

Success Tracking​

Enhance conversions​

Engagement Measuring​

Improved Customer Reach

A study has revealed that around 54% of internet users use social media sites to research products. Furthermore, 49% of customers believe in the advice of influencers on social media when they are looking for brands. With a solid social media marketing plan, you can improve the brand’s visibility and get your business in front of the right audience.








Behaviour Media Advertising Social Media Advertising

Amazing Fact

There are approximate. 3.5billion active users of social media each day, and every 6.4 seconds, a brand new account is created by users!

Advertise, Analyze, And Optimize.

Affordable, targeted media for everyone!

Social media advertisements let you reach more people than those who follow your account. We also use Facebook ads and other ads on social media to build brand awareness and increase engagement on the various websites on social networks.

Audience Advertising Social Media Advertising Social Media Advertising


  • Target age at which you will be able to reach
  • Users are isolated by location
  • Find customers according to income
Interests Advertising Social Media Advertising


  • Find people by their actions
  • Find users with specific skills
Behaviour Media Advertising Social Media Advertising


  • Advertisement through purchases
  • Targeting by device use
  • Links to your business
  • Visitors to your site or your page
Lists of Digital Vasai Social Media Advertising


  • Target a particular group of individuals.
  • Create a new market like  the one, customers are interested in.
  • Target a known group of people.
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